Saturday, 31 May 2008

Aliens in your mind and body bymariyam

Have you ever imagined aliens in your own body,controlling every one of your moves.If you have tried to think about it but can't ,actually imagine it being in your body, that what size and colour it might be? and what it might be actually doing inside your body? but did you know that the alien in your tummy gives you a tummy eack only if you eat your fruit and vegtables, and the alien in your brain gives you ahead eack but did you know that the alien in your mind only gives you are head eack if you eat your fruit and vegtables but that doesn't mean that you don't , have to have your fruit and vegtables.And thats why you have head ecks and tummy eacks.And did you know that the aliens in your body don't like fruit and vegtables any where you eat it and any time but the most important , thing is that you must be HEALTHY! and carbohydrates provide fuel for your pure and healthy body and your strong muscles!